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Who am I? 

Meet Raven

Q: What name do you go by? 

A: My pen name is Raven Sharada. 


Q: What's your real name? 

A: It's a secret! 


Q: How old are you? 

A: Well, you should never ask that of a lady, but since I am no such thing, let's just say I was born in a year with two nines in it. 


Q: What's your occupation? 

A: Right now, I work professionally as an educator in the public school system, but I'm hoping to become a professional writer and I'm also hoping to get a Masters in Library and Information Sciences to become a librarian. 


Q: What kind of stuff do you write? 

A: I'm working on a young adult fantasy novel right now, and previous unpublished projects have been in the fantasy genre as well. 


Q: Do you read fantasy books as well? 

A: Yes! My favourite genre to read is fantasy, but I also enjoy science fiction and young adult. I've read books in other genres that I've enjoyed, but not as an entire genre. 


Q: What's your favourite book? 

A: I can't pick one! The rest would be mad at me. Besides, it changes constantly. 


Q: Fine, what's a series you really enjoy that you would recommend to others? 

A: Okay, well I would have to say The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini is way up there on my list. It has everything I look for in a book: dragons, elves, epic sword fights, a great protagonist, dragons, emotional angst, political intrigue, dragons...


Q: If you were a fantasy character, what kind of person would you be? 

A: Well, if you were asking what I would actually be, I'd be some random villager. But if you're asking what I WANT to be, I'd be an epic sword-fighting badass. 


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